Faults & Seismic Hazards
CSA has worked extensively on characterization of active faults and seismic hazards. Our investigations usually result in recommendations for fault setbacks that greatly reduce fault rupture hazard. We have completed fault investigations for dams, schools and water storage facilities located in close proximity to active fault zones.
Our fault rupture hazard investigations typically center on locating and characterizing active fault rupture hazards through:
- Surface Mapping
- Interpretation of Aerial Photographs
- LIDAR Imagery
- Geophysics
- Subsurface Investigation with Exploratory Trenches
CSA evaluates liquefaction hazard potential through subsurface investigation and advanced geotechnical engineering analysis. We characterize soil type, density and groundwater levels. With these data, we are able to evaluate the potential for liquefaction and design engineering measures to mitigate liquefaction hazard and reduce the impacts to structures.
Ground Shaking
Our team strives to remain at the forefront of earthquake engineering research. Our expertise in seismicity includes determination of design ground motions for engineering projects. We utilize both deterministic and probabilistic methods for evaluation of potential ground motions.